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Our platform references over 40,000 products from more than 66 suppliers, documenting their greenhouse gas emissions (kg CO2eq) on the basis of verified environmental declarations.

Why set up an environmental product platform?


A turnkey tool at your disposal Optimize your carbon footprint management with our turnkey solution, designed to simplify your journey towards sustainability. Our platform enables you to measure, analyze and manage your environmental impact. Virtuous data to animate all your customers Become a partner in your customers' ecological transition. Join this adventure where transparency becomes a driving force for change. Make virtuous data your ally in encouraging responsible behavior. With Univert50, anchor your company in tomorrow's world Analysis quality adapted to new regulations Our platform is based on the environmental declarations available in the INIES database. It gives you access to reliable, verified information from environmental and health declaration sheets (Fiches de Déclarations Environnementales et Sanitaires - FDES) and product environmental profiles (Profils Environnementaux Produits - PEP). Show your commitment and initiate it among your customers Our platform goes beyond sharing information on products' carbon footprints, it cultivates a spirit and strengthens customers' emotional bond with your brand, encouraging them to be pioneering players in the environmental transition. Become a source of ideas and make objective decisions Give meaning to your customer relationships Be aware of the environmental impact of your activity

What is the Univert50 platform?


A life-cycle carbon footprint for products based on verified environmental declarations The Univert50 reference system Repository that lists the carbon impact of each material according to the product's life cycle analysis (LCA). Univert50 makes the link between our partners' commercial references and the environmental declarations available in INIES, providing the total life cycle.

Stages taken into account in calculating the product carbon score Our carbon score reference system uses Environmental and Health Declaration Sheets (EHSDS) to establish a precise score. These FDES act as identity cards for products, detailing their environmental impact throughout the 7 stages of the life cycle:
  • Extraction of raw materials: Gathering the resources needed for the product.
  • Production: Transformation of raw materials into final products.
  • Distribution: Transport of the product to points of sale or consumers.
  • Use: Phase when the product is used by the consumer.
  • Maintenance/Repair: Product maintenance or repair operations.
  • End-of-life: Management of the product at the end of its life cycle, including recycling or disposal.
  • End-of-life: Treatment of residual materials after the end of the product's life.
    This holistic approach enables us to quantify the carbon footprint of each product, ensuring a complete assessment of its environmental footprint.
  • A library of carbon scores for construction products

    Our platform has been developed in partnership with CMEM, a leading player in the buying and selling of building materials. With over 60 integrated suppliers, our reference system already covers the entire spectrum of construction products.
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