We are very realAt your service since 2009, we are proud to give meaning to all your strategic and operational marketing projects.
Pure player BtC Gift box2009Tackle a booming box market focused on a choice of experiences by offering the French market the first affinity-based gift marketplace, delivering a new range of "branded product" boxes to the general public.20212012Promotion specialist2012Reinvent incentive levers in digital mode by pioneering the BTB dematerialization market with reward packs. Support for phoning operations or other promotional actions20092015Operational marketing agency2015Reinvigorate the CUSTOMER experience to boost sales and loyalty over time, by offering digital program solutions that transform every anonymous shopper into a committed user ambassador.20122018Relationship marketing agency2018Develop Customer LifeTime Value (CLTV) through relationship marketing actions, using marketing automation solutions and customer relationship management tools (CRM, ERP) to offer individualized marketing.20152021Responsible marketing agency2021Accelerate the transformation of companies towards the ecological transition by animating the carbon footprint and rewarding responsible commitments; in terms of stakes. We need to move from "customer capital" (CLV) to "capital care"! (TAKE CARE of your customers, your people and the planet).2018coming soon+40Meuros in sales per year
The history of our agency :
7countries commerciallyStrategic agility26%International sales 2009creation of the company
Our DNA:
A commercial spirit for your marketing
Personal skills: Commercial Spirit
The customer at the center of strategic concerns (user centric)
Operational agility (efficiency thanks to centralized services)
Advice and proposals (LT support philosophy)
Know-how: Reward management
Creation of digital marketplaces (long-train logic, broad multi-brand offering)
Awards logistics and customer service (objective: 100% customer satisfaction)
Coordination of operational networks with a focus on local adaptation and action
Business model: We win together
Our marketing strategy agency is paid mainly on your performance
In-house SAAS software managed INNER SOURCE: you benefit from developments made by the customer community
Annual animation RUNs include middle and front office resources
Our adaptability :
Evolution, not revolution
Reward transactional business with remuneration tailored to customer typology
Lifecycle communication
Rewarding commitment
First evolution
98% customer satisfaction
200,000 deliveries per year
Gamification of actions
Enhancing the brand experience
Through service, customers intensify their relationship with the brand
A "member" logic that develops pride of belonging
Second evolution
2 millionactive users
140 customized platforms
USEFUL content for RESPONSIBLE customers
Rewards responsible purchasing and behavior
Program mapped out and in compliance with the network
Third evolution
25% CSR products in the catalog
80 brands under U50 license
Our team :
A modern, customer-focused organization
Web engineering Data management
Creation of digital solutions (websites & applications)
Custom development
TMA & Scalable IT Development
Business Intelligence (flow) - Data scientist
Data security/RGPD
30,5average age of employeesnationalities in our offices
Operational marketing
Consulting & strategy
Media production print/web/video
Consulting and operational support for BtoB and BtoC networks
Digital transformation strategy
Relationship strategy (customer loyalty)
CSR strategy/Capital care
Graphic identity (charter)
Design on ON and OFF line supports
Video (animation, launch, tutorial)
Customized support throughout your project
CAP proposal and management
Site animation based on current events and profiles
+60 employees at your servicelanguages spoken652%of women Kalido has 50 employees, 13 nationalities, 50/50 gender equity and an average age of 30.5.
Teams are based at our Villeneuve d'Ascq headquarters in northern France, as well as in our offices in Paris, Lyon, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro.
Our teams are international, and speak 6 languages on a daily basis with our customers.
Management leadership based on holacracy and cross-functional team leadership.
The teams are multi-disciplinary, with all back office functions centralized, giving us the operational agility we need to increase efficiency and personalize customer file management.
Holacracy is a 100% agile organizational concept based on the belief in collective intelligence. It's an innovative and operational system of governance that leads a company to break away from the usual hierarchical and pyramidal structures.
Our management style is modern, very horizontal, based on exchange and management of customer files across all back office departments. Exchanges take place both internally and externally, through an ecosystem of expert partners designed to raise the added value of each contributing profession.
A word from our founders
Stéphane Fremy
Towards more responsible solutions
For more than 10 years, our solutions have been co-created with our customers to best meet their needs.
Through program animation and user knowledge, our personalized platforms have provided the functionalities, services and rewards needed to build performance and loyalty.
Today, our programs bring compliance and more responsible animations in line with our customers' CSR strategies.
Assuming our merchant model by remaining agile and attentive to environmental and social contexts, while delivering the best value for money to our customers, who remain our priority.An open-minded spirit
As we all know, the marketing of yesteryear is no more, and expectations have gone way beyond that! Indeed, price and product have become minimum standards, fundamental requirements to have any chance of existing.
Today, it's the customer experience that has become the main criterion for consumer choice. We propose, with simplicity and passion, to accompany you in re-enchanting this customer relationship around 3 key words: desire, listening and emotion.
What's more, we want to serve our vocation and make our support unique with a CSR prism, because it's entirely possible to agree together on solutions that take care of both end-customers and our beloved planet.
By drawing on everyone's know-how, this ongoing co-creation (you-us) will always be a win/win/win: your customers/you/us!Co-Founder